Tuesday, October 14, 2014

CAPTAIN AMERICA 3 to Adapt CIVIL WAR with Robert Downey, Jr.

You can't keep a good Iron Man down.

Variety revealed yesterday that Robert Downey, Jr. is close to reprising his role as Iron Man/Tony Stark for Captain America 3, which will feature will adapt the Marvel Comics event Civil War and begin Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

According to the article, Captain America 3 "will pit Stark against Captain America’s alter-ego Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans, as they feud over the Superhero Registration Act, which forces anyone with superhuman abilities to reveal their identities to the U.S. government and agree to act as a police force for the authorities.  Stark supports the program, but Rogers does not, saying it threatens civil liberties, causing sides to be taken and Rogers, among others, to go on the run to avoid arrest.  The moral question and battle with his Avengers teammate essentially makes Stark a villain of sorts in Captain America 3, providing Downey with a meaty role he could play out into future Marvel films, including a fourth Avengers."

It seems Marvel originally wanted Downey for just a small role in the film, which would have required just three weeks of work, but Downey wanted Stark to have a larger role, which would give him more screen time and naturally a bigger payday.  This reportedly angered Marvel Entertainment head Ike Perlmutter, who ordered the screenwriters to write Iron Man out of the script entirely.  Even though the deal appeared dead, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige and Downey’s representatives continued talks in hopes of working out their issues.

The article claims that Downey, who earned $50 million for The Avengers alone, will collect around $40 million plus backend participation for Captain America 3, and will get an additional payday if Captain America 3 outperforms Captain America: The Winter Soldier’s $714 million worldwide total.

Anthony and Joe Russo, directors of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, will return for Captain America 3 and the brothers are currently working on the script with Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely.

In addition, Marvel Comics also teased yesterday that there will be a new Civil War #1 sometime in Summer 2015, presumably so that a collection can be out in time for Captain America 3.  It's not yet known if this will be a direct sequel to the original 2006-07 limited series by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven or some form of reboot.

Captain America 3 is scheduled to arrive in theaters on May 6, 2016.

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