Monday, August 8, 2016

LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Casts Sarah Grey as Stargirl

The ranks of the Justice Society keep getting bigger.

IGN is reporting that the CW series Legends of Tomorrow has cast Sarah Grey as Courtney Whitmore, better known to DC Comics fans as Stargirl.  The role will be recurring in the show's second season, and Grey joins Patrick J. Adams as Hourman, Maisie Richardson-Sellers as the original Vixen, Matthew MacCaull as Commander Steel, and Nick Zano as Citizen Steel.

Two other members of the Justice Society of America, Dr. Mid-Nite and Obsidian, still remain uncast.

Grey, 20, is a Canadian actress who will be appearing as Amanda in the upcoming Power Rangers film, and has appeared on episodes of Wayward Pines, Lucifer, iZombie, Bates Motel, and Almost Human.

Created in 1999 by Geoff Johns (who based her personality on his dead sister Courtney), Stargirl first appeared in Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #0 as Courtney Whitmore, the stepdaughter of Pat Dugan, who once worked with the original Star-Spangled Kid, Sylvester Pemberton, as his crimefighting partner Stripesy.  Courtney found the original Star-Spangled Kid's gear in her stepfather's belongings and donned the costume to annoy Dugan, resenting his marrying her mother and moving the family from Los Angeles to Blue Valley, Nebraska.  Dugan, a skilled mechanic, designed and built S.T.R.I.P.E., a robotic suit that he used to accompany and protect her.

Courtney later joined the Justice Society of America, and after being given Starman Jack Knight's cosmic staff, she changed her identity to Stargirl.  She soon discovered her biological father (Sam Kurtis) working as a common thug for an incarnation of the Royal Flush Gang.  They later confronted one another during one of the Royal Flush Gang's robberies.  Courtney was later approached by the Shade, who informed her that her biological father was dead.  This tragedy, and her experience of the relationship between Liberty Belle and Jesse Quick, prompted her to re-evaluate her family life.  She realized that she couldn't hate her biological father for his failings as a father and as a man, and also learned to accept Pat Dugan as her only real father figure.

In the current New 52 continuity, Stargirl joined the new Justice League of America, chosen by Amanda Waller as the public face of the JLA's PR campaign.  After the disbandment of the JLA following the Forever Evil crossover event, Stargirl joined Justice League United.

Grey will be the second actress to portray Stargirl in live-action, after Britt Irvin in several episodes of the WB/CW series Smallville.  The character has also appeared on the animated series Justice League Unlimited (voiced by Giselle Loren) and Batman: The Brave and the Bold (voiced by Hope Levy).

Legends of Tomorrow returns to The CW for Season 2 on October 13th at 8 p.m. EST.

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